The three most important ingredients of Narutaki-shuzo’s products are rice, water and craftsmanship. To make our sake
soft, smooth, ample-bodied and mellow, we employ high-quality rice produced in Saga Prefecture, and extremely soft
shikomi-water, and to make the best use of these ingredients, we conduct carefully controlled fermentation. We desire
that our customers feel a sense of ease when tasting our sake.

古よりの米作りの連綿たる歴史を伝える遺構として、私たちの郷土・唐津は、日本最古の水稲耕作遺跡である「菜畑遺跡」を有しています。穏やかな気候と肥沃な大地、豊かな水に恵まれ、米どころとして知られる佐賀県。ふっくらとした味わいの地酒の伝統を後世に引き継ぐため、ずっと変わらず佐賀県産の優良な米を酒造りに用いる、これが私たちの米へのこだわりの根幹です。 Our hometown of Karatsu has an archaeological site named Nabatake Ruins. This is the site of Japan’s oldest known wet rice field, which attests to the country’s long, unbroken history of rice cultivation. Blessed with a temperate climate, fertile soil, and abundant water, Saga Prefecture is one of Japan’s leading rice production locales. Our most important policy pertaining to rice is to consistently use high-quality Saga rice in order to preserve for posterity the tradition of local sake characterized by its mellow, full-bodied taste.
唐津産山田錦Yamada-nishiki rice produced in Karatsu
「仕込水と同じ水系の水で育てた米で酒を造りたい」その想いから弊社は、2005年より地元農家と力を合わせ、弊社近隣地での山田錦の栽培に取り組んでいます。現在その唐津産山田錦は、純米吟醸酒や特別純米酒など高品質な清酒の醸造に用いています。 For some of its top-grade seishu, such as junmai ginjo-shu and tokubetsu junmai-shu, Narutaki-shuzo uses the Yamada-nishiki variety of sake rice produced in Karatsu. The rice has been grown in the vicinity of the brewery in partnership with local farms since 2005, realizing our desire to produce sake from rice grown using water from the same source as the shikomi-water.
自家精米の継続Continuation of in-house polishing of rice
「理想の精米を自らの手で行いたい」その想いから弊社では、主に特定名称酒の醸造に用いる高精白の米を中心に現在も自家精米を行っています。酒造りの効率性や労働環境の変化により年々その数を減らしている「酒蔵自らが精米を行う」という伝統を、可能な限り後世に引き継いでいきたいと考えています。 To achieve the ideal level of polishing, in-house polishing is conducted mainly for highly polished rice employed in our specially designated sake. Although this custom is becoming rarer due to efficiency issues and changing labor situations, Narutaki-shuzo wishes to preserve the tradition for posterity.

最高の仕込水を求め酒蔵を全面移転するという極めて稀な決断を出発点とする弊社には、水への究極のこだわりが現在も受け継がれています。昔より俗称「お茶の水」と呼ばれる名水の地より得られる最高の水、その保全に努めるとともに、類まれなるその柔らかな特性を酒造りに最大限活かすべく、日々研鑚を重ねています。 Insistence on good-quality water is a longstanding corporate tradition at Narutaki-shuzo, which started by taking the highly unusual step of moving its entire brewery in search of top-quality shikomi-water. We use water available on-site, which has been renowned since olden days as ochanomizu, or water for tea making. We toil day-in and day-out to preserve this rare water source, and to make the most of its exceptional softness in our sake making.
社名に込めた想いThe idea behind our company name
水への究極のこだわりを持ち続けるため昭和49年の弊社設立の際、近隣の清流に因み社名を「鳴滝酒造株式会社」と一新しました。近年立ち上げた新ブランド「瀧」の名には、最高の仕込水に対する感謝とその水を用い最高の酒造りを行っていくという固い決意を込めています。 The company was named after Narutaki, a nearby stream, in 1974 when the company was established. The name reflects the importance we consistently place on the water we use. The brand we recently added was named Taki (waterfall), which embodies our sense of appreciation for the top-quality shikomi-water we have access to, and our determination to conduct top-quality sake making using that water.
太閤秀吉ゆかりの名水A renowned water source associated with Toyotomi Hideyoshi
天下人の伝説に彩られた名水を、現在弊社では地下からの汲み上げにより得ています。過去の歴史においては、渇水で地下の水脈が変わるなど幾度かの困難にも直面しましたが、継続的に環境の保全に努めることで、現在も酒造りに十分な水量を確保しています。「この水なくして鳴滝の酒造りなし」これが私たちの決意です。 The groundwater available on-site has episodes associated with Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a warlord who briefly unified the country in the late 16th century. Although the groundwater flow has been inconsistent over the years due to drought above ground and other factors, sustained environmental conservation efforts have ensured that the supply today is sufficient for ongoing sake production. We believe the water is absolutely vital for Narutaki’s sake making.

優れた酒造り集団の里として知られる唐津市肥前町、そこで育まれ伝承されてきた「肥前杜氏」の技により弊社の酒造りは歴史を重ねてきました。時代の変化の中で弊社も現在では社員醸造に完全移行しましたが、若手中心の社員が肥前杜氏の技と志をしっかりと引き継ぎ、伝統を基盤とした中で革新を盛り込んだ酒造りに日々励んでいます。 Narutaki’s sake making is rooted in the skills of Hizen toji (master brewers), nurtured and preserved in Karatsu City’s Hizen-cho, a hamlet long known for its many outstanding brewers. Changes in the times have meant that sake making today is conducted by our employees, who, though predominantly young, are thoroughly versed in the know-how and work ethics of Hizen toji, and aspire to a sake making that introduces innovation into the classic brew.
Point 1
一麹 二酛 三造り“Koji, moto and tsukuri above all else”
昭和49年の弊社設立当時より、一貫して酒造りの根底にあるのは手を掛けた麹造り、一方酒母(酛)及び醪(造り)においてはきめ細やかな発酵温度管理を志し、早い段階から大規模な温度管理システムを導入してきました。昔より酒造りの現場で言い伝えられてきた「一麹・二酛・三造り」の教えは、現在もしっかりと受け継がれています。 The steps of making koji, moto (shubo or starter mash) and moromi (main mash), are traditionally considered the most crucial in sake making, an idea we staunchly embrace. Since its establishment in 1974, Narutaki-shuzo has consistently conducted meticulous koji-making, and has paid close attention to detailed fermentation temperature control when it comes to moto and moromi making, introducing for this purpose a large-scale temperature control system from early on.
Point 2
伝統文化を後世へPreserving cultural traditions for posterity
蒸留の際、醪に籾殻を混ぜ蒸籠式蒸留器を用いる伝統焼酎「正調粕取」、かつて北部九州はその一大産地でしたが、極めて手間と時間のかかる蒸留方法と個性の強い独特の香味により、現在では日本国内でも数社のみが製造を行う文字通り幻の焼酎となってしまいました。一方で熱烈なファンを有する正調粕取、伝統文化の後世への継承を志し、弊社では現在も正調粕取焼酎の製造を継続しています。 Seichokasutori-shochu is a traditional type of shochu distilled by employing what is called a seiro (steaming basket) still, and adding rice husks to the moromi. Northern Kyushu was once a major production center of Seichokasutori-shochu, but today producers have been reduced to a mere handful due to the labor-intensive distilling method, and the strong, highly distinctive aroma of the product. Though now difficult to come by, this unique brew still has die-hard, dedicated fans, which Narutaki serves through ongoing production of this treasured piece of cultural heritage.
Point 3
地場の優れた産品とともにPromotion of excellent local produce
新たな魅力ある商品の創出を志し、弊社では地元産完熟梅を用いた梅酒を製造しています。梅の木の下にネットを張り、熟して落ちてきた梅のみを日々収穫する本物の完熟梅は、まさに地場でしか入手できない最高の逸品。優しくなめらかな味わいを実現すべく特製の清酒をベースアルコールとし完熟梅の豊かな香味を存分に引き出したこの梅酒は、現在国内のみならずフランス・パリなど海外でも大変な人気を博しています。 As part of its efforts to create products with fresh appeal, Narutaki-shuzo produces umeshu made from kanjuku (fully ripe) ume plums produced locally. Genuine “kanjuku ume” refers to naturally fallen fruit only, which is collected daily in nets stretched under fruit trees. By its nature, kanjuku ume does not lend itself to long-distance transportation. Made from this premium, rare ingredient, Narutaki-shuzo’s umeshu is based on our specially brewed seishu to produce a mellow, smooth taste. This product, which maximizes the rich flavor of fully ripe ume, is proving very popular in Japan as well as in Paris, France and other overseas markets.