

Greetings from the president

「郷土に愛され300年」前身に遡れば3世紀を超える年月を、弊社・鳴滝酒造株式会社は唐津の地酒蔵として郷土と共に歩んで参りました。九州北部に位置し、豊かな自然と山海の幸、歴史文化に恵まれた観光都市・唐津。誇るべき郷土文化の一つとして地酒を世界に発信したい、これが私たちの願いです。郷土料理との相性により磨き上げられたふくよかな味わいの清酒、個性あふれる香味の本格焼酎、高品質な地場産品を用いて仕上げた梅酒をご賞味頂き、唐津の風土と文化を感じて頂ければと願っております。 Loved by the people of Karatsu for 300 years, Narutaki-shuzo and its predecessor breweries have progressed hand-in-hand with Karatsu for over three centuries as local sake breweries. Our wish is to communicate to the world the excellence of our sake, which is a proud part of the cultural heritage of Karatsu, a city and tourism destination in northern Kyushu blessed with scenic natural beauty, abundant seafood and agricultural produce, and historical and cultural legacies. We pride ourselves in our full-bodied seishu products, refined and polished by the local food culture; our honkaku-shochu line-up characterized by its distinctive flavors; and our umeshu made entirely from high-quality local ingredients. We hope our customers will enjoy these products accompanied by Karatsu cuisine and Karatsu tableware, which, I am sure, will amply communicate the climate, spirit and culture of Karatsu.

代表取締役 古舘正典  (Masanori Furutachi)


Company history

  豊かな海の幸とおだやかな風土に恵まれ、古代より歴史を刻んできた城下町、唐津。この地で宝永2年(1705年)より酒造りを営んできた太閤酒造を中心とした酒造3社の企業合同で昭和49年、弊社は設立されました。新たな蔵を建てる際、徹底的にこだわったのが「水」。十数カ所に及ぶ試掘により得られた水の分析の結果、かつて太閤秀吉が杉の根元から湧き出る水で千利休に茶を点てさせたという伝説が残り、唐津の歴代藩主が茶会の水として湧き水を用いた現在の地が選ばれました。すばらしい水を得て、酒質は一気に上がります。以来、代表銘柄の「聚楽太閤」は唐津の地酒として、九州北部を中心に多くの支持をいただいてきました。 Narutaki-shuzo was jointly established in 1974 by three sake breweries including Taiko-shuzo, which has been in production since 1705. The company is based in Karatsu, a historical city built around a castle and blessed with abundant seafood and a temperate climate. Chosen after numerous test drillings to assess the quality of groundwater yielded by each site, the present brewery site is where spring water used for tea ceremonies by successive lords of Karatsu Castle derives from. It is traditionally believed that the spring, situated under a cedar tree, also supplied water for the tea prepared by tea master Sen no Rikyu for warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The outstanding water, which is enormously important for our sake making, gives a dramatic boost to sake quality, as attested by our flagship range Juraku-Taiko, a local Karatsu sake enjoying great popularity, especially in northern Kyushu.

  平成に入ってからは吟醸酒造りにも力を注ぎ、平成6年に福岡国税局鑑評会吟醸酒の部「第一位局長杯」を3回連続で獲得、全国新酒鑑評会においても、九州で初めての6年連続を含む12回の「金賞」受賞を果たすなど数々の栄誉に輝いてきました。近年では、新たに設立したブランド「瀧」を中心に日本全国への展開を図ると共に海外の鑑評会にも積極的に出品し、各国で高い評価を得ています。 From around 1990, the company has also produced ginjo-shu, which has received many awards including the Grand Prize in the Ginjo-shu category of the North Kyushu Sake and Shochu Awards in 1994, which Narutaki-shuzo has won three consecutive times, and the Gold Prize in the Annual Japan Sake Awards, which Narutaki won 12 times, of which six were consecutive years, the first such accomplishment achieved by a Kyushu brewery. Recent developments include the launch of our new brand Taki, which along with our other products is being marketed nationwide. We are also actively exhibiting in overseas competitions, where our products are rated highly.

In the area of honkaku-shochu, we are working on the preservation of Seichokasutori-shochu, a type of traditional shochu unique to northern Kyushu. We also develop new products that are informed by tradition but are highly original and have fresh appeal. An example is our Nihonshu-jitateno-umeshu, which is proving popular in France and other countries around the world.

  大切にしているのは米、水、そして伝統の技。その酒の特徴は「柔らかさ」と「透明感」にあります。口に含んだ瞬間に広がるほのかな甘みと豊かな香り、酒質の良さを物語る、あくまでなめらかなのど越しと軽快な切れ味をぜひ御体感下さい。 Our sake-making places importance on rice, water and traditional craftsmanship, and our sake is characterized by mellowness and clarity. We invite customers to experience the immediately noticeable subtle sweetness and rich aroma, as well as the smoothness and crispness that are hallmarks of superior sake quality.



会社名company name 鳴滝酒造株式会社NARUTAKI-SHUZO CO.,LTD
住所address 〒847-0824 佐賀県唐津市神田3272-1Kouda 3272-1 Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture
電話番号tel 0955-74-3125
FAX 0955-74-3126
代表者名President 古舘正典Masanori Furutachi
創業Foundation 1974年in 1974


Born and raised in
the castle town of Karatsu

古くから大陸文化の窓口として発展し、現在も城下町の面影を色濃く残す歴史と焼き物のまち、唐津。その一方で「唐津くんち」に代表される、豪快で開放的な気質も併せ持ちます。美しい自然と温和な気候、豊かな玄界灘の幸に恵まれ、松浦佐用姫の悲恋伝説に彩られる美しきまち、唐津にぜひ一度足をお運び下さい。 Since ancient times, Karatsu has served as a gateway of cultural influences from the continent. Today it is known for its pottery, and for its historical castle-town ambience. Karatsu also has a boisterous, affable side, as represented by the Karatsu Kunchi festival. If you have not already done so, we invite you to visit Karatsu, where visitors are greeted by natural beauty, a temperate climate, excellent seafood from the Genkai Sea, and an attractive historical town associated with the romance of tragic heroine Matsuura Sayohime.

ー唐津に育まれて。私達は地酒を郷土文化のひとつととらえていますー Born and raised in Karatsu. Sake production is a cherished part of our local culture.

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